TRACK REVIEW: Jade Fake – isa kang PUTA

Written by Louis Pelingen Within just two extensive verses and a set of devastating refrains under a clattering, shambling production is enough foundation for Jade Fake to burst up all of her provocative confrontations towards men and all of their borderline pathetic sexual fixation. There is a genuine sense of rage that Jade Fake indulges […]


Written by Louis Pelingen MISTER MEYERS makes sure to put something out when the opportunity still strikes hot – that is to say, the wave of releases on January 1st that you can see piled on obscure Bandcamp features or the early RYM year charts. While he has been putting out music for the past […]

EP REVIEW: vice* – syzygy

Written by Elijah P. Electronic artist and singer-songwriter vice* laces together the heartaches of emo-rap and the intricacies of glitch pop into a neatly tied debut EP. In a world where the Lil Peeps and Wicca Phase Spring Eternals have shifted into heavier and denser material, there exists a younger and fresh breed of producers […]

TRACK REVIEW: Arkyalina – readmymind

Written by Louis Pelingen The first couple of notes that start ‘readmymind’ will immediately sink you deep into arkyalina’s striking soundscape. A producer, multi-instrumentalist, and composer in his own right, there is already so much going on with Tavin Villanueva’s composition work, bringing in so many ideas to bear. arkyalina’s tight and impressive pop punk-esque […]

TRACK REVIEW: Oz Kabuhat – I Would

Written by Elijah P.  Local artists need to straddle between genres more often. It opens a door for many to experiment, find their voice in the noise and maybe even conjure up a new sound that nobody has ever heard before. But there’s a risk in being too odd. It may also lose your sense […]

ALBUM REVIEW: Whereistome. – First Edition God Complex

Written by Elijah P. Some music journalists claimed “First Edition God Complex” to be a first glance at a “hyperpop” or deconstructed version of pop in the context of the Philippine music scene. Meanwhile, producer and singer-songwriter Tome. describe themselves vaguely to be “pop”. Maybe as a form of guessing for music writers or listeners […]