Written by Louis Pelingen
Edacity’s gradual shift towards hyperpop this year has lent him more potential for something to work with in the future. While the past cuts he pushed out in recent times still find him wading through the bubbly soundscape of hyperpop, ‘comethru4u’ puts his lovesick vibe splash through a flashy hook, glimmering synth notes swirling around buzzy beats, and Edacity’s vocal carrying a heartfelt delivery that works nicely within this short song. It ends on an upward slope, where the added blasting percussion and pitchy multitracking allow the overall tune to pop at the right moment.

It’s a track that at least found a neat, but not incredible landing for Edacity going further into this sound as he works on his upcoming project. Where even Edacity delivers what he needs to do in order to make this brief song go off, thanks to the balanced mixing and the sweet atmosphere composed well; the hollow percussion textures and the sticky albeit dull melodies hold back the track from creating a bigger impact. The overall tune may create a nice splash, but with the curiosity to experiment and tweak his style, Edacity could make something that can stand out even more.
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