TRACK REVIEW: Thursday Honey – All The Time

Written by Elijah P. Thursday Honey has bounced from promising big-band r&b-slash-alternative pop 7-piece to a toothless, tiresome brady bunch of slackers in their latest track “All The Time”. While they benefit from being a younger version of sophisti-pop’s past, reclaiming the white-tee-hanged-on-the-college-dorm-room music doesn’t seem to be tailor-fit for the neophytes. The 7-piece have combed their way in and out of the slick saxophone solos and comforting instrumentals backed by a singer whose voice cracks and slurs more often in the recording booth – a singing style that’s dryer than their entire discography. Their whole function as a band works like a “Prom Band 4 Hire” music project; It works, it’s fun, but only for special occasions. However, the band has shown what could be their fullest potential on the happy-go-lucky templated debut that is “hey, i’m greg” — their first release under the O/C Records imprint last October 2020. Before this, they’ve been wearing their influences in their striped-long sleeves. They decided to channel that again in “720p”, a laid-back, slider-assisted melody that’s dragged, initiated a yawning session, and thrown off by the united chamber-y r&b aesthetics. For “All The Time”, the template barely changes, but the snail-paced tempo made it even less tolerable compared to their previous singles. Despite the impactful, lush build up by its chord structures and vocal performance by the second half, the track barely makes it an inch step forward from their past works. Thursday Honey have not earned the stripes as a massive unit of a band that could’ve been maximized dynamically, and surpassing their potential doesn’t seem to be their goal at all in the meantime. Support art & the artist: