Written by Elijah P. The last we’ve ever heard of singer-songwriter Nikki Nava was at her quietest and her most reflective. This was years before the world had its audible reset. Now, in the year 2022, Nava is at her most ambitious and the loudest she’s ever been in songwriting. In “Ephemeral”, it’s evident how the emotional value in her tracks added more instrumental nuance than most of her contemporaries. The nuance in question: melodies that struck a chord beneath its beautiful guitar strings above multitudes of other ideas thrown in the mix, Nava’s introspective glare that combines a lot of potent melodicism some singer-songwriters lack. “Ephemeral” is an exercise of her growth as a singer-songwriter, punching upwards in writing catchier lines than making emotive vocal droning and sparse instrumentals. There’s an element yet to be seen in Nava’s songwriting, which is still invisible throughout her tiny single discography. A sense of promise is what’s to be seen in her works soon; let’s just see if she could break the ceiling once again. SUPPORT THE ART & THE ARTIST: